Majmoo’ Fataawa wa Maqaalaat Mutanawwi’ah li Samaahat
al-Shaykh ‘Abd al- ‘Azeez ibn ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Baaz, Vol. 11, pp. 188-190 -
From ‘Abdul ‘Aziz Bin ‘Abdullah Ibn Baz to those who receive this among Muslims. May Allah guide all Muslims and increase their knowledge and faith, amen!
As-salamu ‘alaykum warahmatullah wabarakatuh (May Allah's Peace, Mercy, and Blessings be upon you!) It gives me pleasure to remind my Muslim brothers that -
It is of the Sunnah for a Muslim to say after each obligatory Salah, whether one is the Imam (the one who leads the congregational Salah), Ma'mum (a person being led by an Imam in Prayer) or Mufarid (a person who performs prayer alone) to say, three times
"Astagfir Allah"(I ask Allah forgiveness)
and then say,
"Allahumma Anta Al-Salam Wa Minka Al-Salam, Tabarakta Wa Ta’alayta Ya-dhal-Jalali Wal-Ikram"(O Allah, You are Al-Salam [the One Who is free from all defects and deficiencies] and from You is all peace, blessed are You, Possessor of majesty and honor!)
If one is Imam, one should turn facing the people. The Imam, those praying behind him, or a person offering Salah individually should say,
"La Ilaha Illa Allah, Wahdahu La Sharika Lah, Lahul-Mulku Wa-Lahul-Hamdu, Wa-Huwa ‘Ala Kulli Shai’in Qadir, La Hawla Wa-La Quwwata Illa Billah, La Ilaha Illa Allah Wa-La Na’budu Illa Iyyahu, Lahun-Ni’matu Wa-Lahul-Fadl, Wa-Lahu Ath-Thanaa'u Al-Hasan, La Ilaha Illa Allah Mukhlisina, Lahud-Dina Wa-Law Karihal-Kafirun. Allahumma La Mani’a Lima A’tait Wa-La Mu’ty Lima Man’t, Wa-La Yanfa’u Dhal-Gaddu Minkal-Gadd.(None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, alone, without any partner. To Allah belong all sovereignty and praise. He is Omnipotent over all things. There is no might nor power except with Allah. None has the right to be worshipped except Him. We worship none but Him. To Allah all favor, grace, and praise are due. None has the right to be worshipped except Allah and we are sincere in faith and devotion to Him although disbelievers detest it. Oh Allah! Oh Allah! None can prevent what You willed to give and none can grant what You have willed to prevent, and no wealth or majesty can benefit anyone, as from You is all wealth and majesty).
After offering Maghrib (Sunset) Prayer and Fajr (Dawn) Prayer one should say along with what is mentioned previously,
"La Ilah Illa Allah Wahdahu La Sharika Lahu Lahu Al-Mulk Wa Lahu Al-Hamd Yuhyi Wa Yumit Wa Huwa ‘Ala Kulli Shay'in Qadir"(There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah Alone, He have no associate. His is the Dominion to Him is due all praise; He gives life and causes death and He has power over all things)
After that, one is to say each of the following supplications thirty three times;
(a) "Subhana Allah" (Glory is to Allah),(b) Al-Hamdu Lillah (praise is due to Allah) and(c) "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is the Great),
and then complete the hundred by saying,
"La Ilah Illa Allah, Wahdahu La Sharika Lah, Lahu Al-Mulk Wa Lahu Al-Hamd, Yuhyi Wa Yumit, Wa Huwa ‘Ala Kull Shay'in Qadir".
It is recommended for the Imam, Ma'mum, and Munfarid to recite these supplications audibly after each obligatory Salah in a low voice without disturbing others. It is authentically reported in the two Sahih on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them) that raising one's voice in supplication after concluding the obligatory Salah was during the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them) said, "I used to know when they finished the Salah by this (supplications as they were said aloud) if I heard them."
However, it is not permissible to say these supplications collectively. Each worshipper should recite them individually without observing the voice of others, because reciting supplications collectively is Bid’ah and has no basis in the divine Shari’ah (law) of Allah.
It is recommended for Imam, Ma'mum, and Munfarid to recite
Ayat-ul-Kursy (the Qur’anic Verse of Allah’s Chair, Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:255)
inaudibly. After that,
Surah-Al-Iklas (the Qur'an, Surah 112),Surah-Al-Falaq (the Qur'an, Surah 113), andSurah-Al-Nas (the Qur'an, Surah 114)
inaudbly after each obligatory Salah and repeat them three times after the Maghrib (Sunset) and Fajr (Dawn) Salahs.
This is preferable, for the authenticity of what we have mentioned above. May Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, His companions, and those who follow him rightfully till the Day of Judgment.
Asalamu alaikum Warahmatulhi Wabarakatuhu
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